
Checks during a Marine Main Engine crankcase inspection

The crankcase inspection is done every month whenever the ship is in port and there is sufficient time for inspection. Thorough inspection is required during this to analyze the condition inside and damage to the bearings.
Before inspection following procedures has to be followed: -
Permission has to be taken before reaching port to make sure that the authority is not having any problem with this. This is called Immobilization permission of the main engine.
After the permission is received the checklist has to be filled.
Safety issues have to be discussed with the people taking part in the inspection.
When the engine is in “stopped” condition, the lubricating oil pump and cross-head oil pump have to be stopped and the breaker taken out so that it doesn’t start on its own or by any other person by mistake.
Proper sign and placards to be displayed regarding men at work.
Since engine crankcase is an enclosed space, an enclosed space checklist is also to be filled.
After stopping the engine and the pumps the crankcase doors have to be opened and sufficient time is to be given to cool and ventilate the space as the temperature inside is very hot and deprived of air.
After the cooling and ventilating the space, the person entering the space should be with proper personnel protective equipments like boiler suit, safety harness, and anti slipping pads for shoes.
Make sure there are no tools, pen etc in your pockets which might drop inside and cause damage to bearing and machinery parts
Before entering, the person has to be detailed as what needs be checked inside. Special attention is also given if technical department specifies any other issue or any major problem found on other ships.

Inside Crankcase Following Checks are to be made: -
1. Check the overall quality of oil whether it is clean or dirty with carbon particles.
2. Check for any distinguished smell, if found, this could be because of bacterial contamination of oil. The smell is generally of rotten eggs.
3. Check for any metal particles near the grating in the crankcase.
4. Check the condition and damage to the gratings.
5. Check the slip marks on the web; they should be in the same line. If slip is found then report is to be made to the company and classification society regarding this.
6. Check for any bluish dark patches, this indicates that hot spots are caused by friction of insufficient lubrication.
7. Check crosshead for any damages.
8. Check crosshead guides for damages and marks.
9. Check the bedplate for any welding cracks etc.
10. Check any metal seen near the bearings coming out due to wiping.
11. Check for piping and any loose connections between them.
12. Check the locking wires and locking washers on bolts of stuffing box.
13. Make any other checks specified by technical department.
14. Before coming out make sure there is nothing left inside.


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