
Procedure for Boiler blow down

1.     Ensure nobody is near the ship side blow down valve.
2.     Not to be carried out in drydock or alongside.
3.     Valve sequence to be followed.
4.     Boiler shouldn’t be left unattended during blow down.
5.     Monitor the end of blow down. Long blow down to be avoided.
6.     Don’t blow down to the E/room bilges.

1.    Ship side valve 1 is opened followed by valve 2.
2.    Valve 2 is NR which is fully opened to avoid cutting off seat.
3.     Rate of blow down controlled by Valve 3.
4.     For scum blow down valve 4 & 5 are used.

1 comment:

  1. please let me know that why we dont blow down in engine room....i told surveyor all the things like steam flash off, electrical n electronics hazard, human hazard,etc....please e mail me on
